Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Recent Event

Sophie visits what she calls "heaven", with chocolate chairs, and all you can eat ice cream. She is dreaming, of course, but the reality of it all is surprisingly adjustable. The dream starts with her walking down her aisle. Her hair turns black, her dress turns black, and crows' feathers grow from her body. She runs away, and ends up in a fantasy world.

There are literally chocolate shaped into chairs, and a chocolate waiter serving all you can eat ice cream. This is what she wants. She wants a fantasy, but everything tumbles apart. No one can save her, and in her own conceited way, she likes it. No one understands her. Everything in her life sounds like a teenager's life, except for her with a crazy ex-husband, a guy who is dangerous, possibly too dangerous, and a house without a home. Everything is mixed up.

Whenever someone yells her name, she doesn't look, just walks faster. Either they mistook her for someone else, calling another Sophie, or it's him. She runs for her life, nothing coming together. She is afraid to leave behind her old self, in fear it will come back after her. She can't start a new life. She is scared of all commitment. She freaks out when someone drops a dish. She is built up of many wires. This relates to real life because this really could happen, and almost every one's lives arelike this, even if they don't want to admit it. Every thing is crazy.

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