Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Main Character

The main character is perceived as uptight, but really all she wants to be is free. There are many past secrets of hers, which shows that she will make some dramatic gesture as a person, possibly to a person. She sets of into a trip of the world, making most of her life. She meets characters of all types, and all of them will come back to haunt her,  and something will happen where they all reconcile. The mode of the book so far is up and down.

IN some chapters it's romance, some tragedy, and some comedy. There is no telling what is going to happen. In the end nothing will be the same. Although this may sound like some sort of Hallmark card schnoozle, maybe it's all true. Perhaps it is a fantasy world, but we escape to that in reality, in our own state of mind, or not in reality at all and just pulled out of nowhere. You  can learn a lot of things about yourself, no matter how much you want to deny it.

What she learns is that everyone has a little of each disease. Everyone has OCD, is bipolar, is some of this and some of that. What we don't seem to get is that everyone is somewhat the same, and are completely different at the same time.

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